
joshua stein via - Sep 23 2023 12:46:50

My wacky goal was to try to do this transparently on the wire, with the BlueSCSI intercepting TCP packets of plaintext to remote IPs on port 443, then do TLS and send out encrypted traffic, read the reply, decrypt it, and send back plaintext on the wire to the Mac. This way applications on the Mac wouldn't need to know anything about TLS, they could just connect to things on port 443 and get plaintext.

But this was too difficult to do because the plain/cipher packets wouldn't match up one-to-one, so I'd have to answer the Mac's TCP connection and buffer data, then create my own outbound TCP connection to the server with hand-crafted TCP packets built using the Mac's IP (since the Pico doesn't have its own stack/IP), and shuffle data between both TCP conections. That meant adding a TCP state machine, trying to find/maintain the current time (needed for x509 validation), etc.

joshua stein via - Sep 23 2023 12:36:49

My PowerBook 100 fetching google\.com over TLS over Wi-Fi

It uses BearSSL on the Pico W on the BlueSCSI to handle the actual TLS session, with the Mac feeding ciphertext from its own TCP connection into BearSSL over SCSI, and vice versa

joshua stein via - Sep 04 2023 19:41:04

The more I read about Wayland, the more it sounds like one of those "I wrote a Twitter clone in a weekend" projects which totally ignores the long-tail of features that many X11 users actually rely on.

And then as time goes on, those features actually do need to be implemented but because they weren't part of the core design, they get poorly integrated with yet another dependency on some external thing.

joshua stein via - Sep 04 2023 16:48:07

Apparently it's critical to calibrate new batteries, too. The first full discharge lasted 104 minutes, the second lasted 173. I think I'll try a third one and see how far this new battery goes.

That's with BatteryAmnesia forcing the CPU to full speed, the display to max backlight, and not letting anything sleep. I'm sure the BlueSCSI instead of a spinning HD helps a lot.